Our Mindful Walking Method workshop was held at Wattle Grove in Sydney over the weekend of 28-29 September 2019.
This workshop continued our exploration of the Mindful Walking Method, developed by Sifu John Hartley and was presented by Sifu Darren Cox and Stephen Duncombe.
The full Mindful Walking Method, was covered, focusing in particular on the practical and energetic aspects of the method to help integrate the understanding in the body.
The workshop was attended by a variety of students, regardless of previous experience or Tai Chi style. Our workshops are suitable for men and women of all ages, and for beginners and advanced practitioners.
January 2019 workshop
Inner Health Taijiquan Mindful Walking Method Workshop – Module Four
The Inner Health Taijiquan workshop was held in Sydney over the weekend of 19-20 January 2019 at Wattle Grove Community Centre.