How do I daily rekindle the teaching that has been passed down to me? Not just think about the teaching, but that it’s alive. Even more, that it burns.’ I found the following on the web and thought it may be of some interest, I must admit I fall a few yards short. Discard the hard, be soft - John H Wu De (Martial Code of Conduct)
Ben H
31/12/2015 05:10:22 pm
May I also add this which I had found quoted by one of Yang Cheng Fu's students also a brother of Cheng Man Ching : 勤 Diligence 恆 Perseverance 禮 Respect 誠 Sincerity
John H
31/12/2015 05:11:50 pm
Excellent. Thanks for sharing Ben. I agree with you, I think its an area of practice that should not be overlooked. Can you tell me, Is this the full quote and would you know the name of the person who wrote it?
Ben Ho
31/12/2015 05:12:21 pm
Thanks John, another thing we learn from this art Tai Ji is sharing. Comments are closed.
AuthorJohn Hartley, Founder and Principal Instructor of Inner Health School of Taijiquan, Adelaide Categories
March 2018