Mind, abiding in the tan-tien crown of head upright, as if suspended tail bone hangs as if anchored downward softened feet lay flat to the earth shoulders, hips, ankles from top to bottom one straight line connecting heaven and earth “To sung is to let go,
letting go is to sink”. “Upper body light, lower body heavy” In sinking always there is rising behold, the rising river mist Intention, not exertion ever gently, we maintain the idea mind leads, body follows Careful, though the gate is wide it can be missed by fractions Develop your foundation friend soften into your root “Look left, gaze right advance retreat central equilibrium the square within the circle” “Upright, balanced, calm” “Four ounces deflects a thousand pounds” Without hunger for gain “we seek the straight within the curved” we yield, we stick, we follow opening, closing a silken thread “long, thin, slow, and quiet” Vibrancy in the breath In a floating cloud or rolling thunder in the constancy of moon and stars in the ebb and flow of oceans, in the palm of a baby’s hand the one great ch’i revealed Relax! we simply persevere then gradually, ever so gradually we find our root then all becomes clear Remember! “principle precedes application” that “form and function are mutually connected” li, ch’i, hsiang Having bid farewell to fear who is your opponent friend? - JBH, 2014. Comments are closed.
AuthorJohn Hartley, Founder and Principal Instructor of Inner Health School of Taijiquan, Adelaide Categories
March 2018