When a good student and their teacher have a falling-out and stop discussing, questioning and playing Taichichuan together, each becoming slowly more isolated from the other, the creative cycle of learning/teaching has ceased for both of them, growth is impaired and stagnation imminent. We do not know tomorrow, hurts need to dissolve, stubbornness forgone, and equilibrium restored. The Ching-Shen “spirit of vitality” must be raised? It is precisely in the space of healing and regeneration where the function of Taichichuan is most effective and best served, it is also where the true depth of one’s art, practice and character is better developed and ultimately revealed.
- John Hartley 2015
Ben Ho
31/12/2015 05:52:45 pm
In Tai Ji Quan we learn ' not to insist not to resist '
Trish T
31/12/2015 05:53:43 pm
I tend to agree with Ben. Just sharing as both a student and a teacher.
31/12/2015 05:54:27 pm
Thank you John, what you have said has been very thought-provoking to me, because as a professional educator, I find different teaching philosophies interesting. I’ve thought quite a bit on what you’ve said and I would like to add a few things that come from my own experience, with the hope that in this forum these may also prove thought-provoking for others.
31/12/2015 05:57:31 pm
... (continues from previous response)
John H
31/12/2015 05:59:33 pm
Thank you Felicity Ben and Trish for your sharing your thoughtful contributions to the BWDG posting.
Jen B
31/12/2015 06:01:56 pm
Listen Hear Feel
John H
31/12/2015 06:03:17 pm
I awoke this morning to read a thoughtful piece by Felicity Way -teacher/student relationship, personal growth and the importance and usefulness of Taichichuan philosophy in working life which I really enjoyed. I also enjoyed reading pieces by Ben Ho, - not forcing or leap frogging the learning process, Trish Tan - teaching less is more, nurturing and gardening and Timothy Martin Taosim, Nei-gong and meditation and now Im reading a really wonderful piece by Jen Binney which I think for me ties them altogether great poetry Jen-
Jen B
31/12/2015 06:05:15 pm
I agree John – its great to see so many responses – how lucky are we – very lucky me thinks!
31/12/2015 06:06:22 pm
Thank you John for the kind words and the very engaging topic. As I said earlier, the Art truly moves beyond the physical form and I love finding the serendiptus moments when our principles not only guide our form, but gude our lives.
John H
31/12/2015 06:07:28 pm
Your welcome Felicity always good to read your post on BWDG - its true the philosophy and theory of Taichichuan is/can be carried through to all areas of ones life but I think its vitally important that we continue to practice our form a little everyday also. So keep up your practice Felicity and please continue to share your thoughts on Taichichuan with the BWDG. Comments are closed.
AuthorJohn Hartley, Founder and Principal Instructor of Inner Health School of Taijiquan, Adelaide Categories
March 2018